ナノ科学の先駆者であるMITのミリー・ドレッセルハウス教授が2月20日に亡くなった。86歳だった。 by Alice Dragoon2017.02.22
ドレッセルハウス教授は、共著で8冊の書籍、1700件以上の論文を発表し、MITで教鞭をとった50年間に60人を超える博士課程の学生を監督し、科学界と工学界の男女平等に飽くことなく精力的に取り組んだ。つい最近、2014年にはオバマ前大統領から大統領自由勲章を受け、科学者として活躍を続けていた(MIT Technology Reviewの2013年の記事「70歳以上のイノベーター7人」参照)。
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クレジット | Photograph by Dominick Reuter |
- alice.dragoon [Alice Dragoon]米国版 Senior Editor, MIT News
- As senior editor of MIT News at MIT Technology Review, I cover some of the most brilliant and interesting people on earth—MIT students, faculty, and alumni. Getting to work on stories about rocket scientists, cancer researchers, entrepreneurs, architects, climatologists, cellists, and every kind of engineer you can possibly imagine puts me in the happy position of being a perpetual student. Before joining MIT Technology Review, I was a senior editor at both CXO Media, where I edited and wrote for CIO and Darwin magazines, and the New England Conservatory of Music, where I was responsible for alumni, admissions, and fund-raising publications. During a brief stint in advertising at Leo Burnett, my hands and feet appeared in a Morris the Cat calendar. Although I come from a family of engineers (including a grandfather who graduated from MIT), I earned a BA in English from Dartmouth College.